James Zetlen

Austin, TX | 512-940-3048 | zetlen@gmail.com | linkedin.com/in/zetlen | jameszetlen.com


Accomplished software architect who can lead your Web team to success beyond the dreams of avarice. JavaScript and Web platform expert recognized in the developer community. Builder of several leading enterprise frontend frameworks from the ground up. Gregarious mentor, capable and creative presenter with international experience, strategic thinker, and tactical executor. Wants the Web to win.

Work Experience

Senior Software Engineer (SDE V) | ID.me | Remote | 2023-

Senior Software Engineer | Adobe, Inc. | Austin, TX | 2019-2023

Lead Frontend Architect | Magento, Inc | Austin, TX | 2016-2019

Senior Frontend Developer | PayPal, Inc | Austin, TX | 2015-2016

Frontend Architect | Volusion, Inc | Austin, TX | 2011-2015

Technical Architect | Convio | Austin, TX | 2008-2011


University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA | B.A. Neuroscience

